
Amoeba 致力於遵守保護個人資料的相關法令及本公司隱私保護政策,妥善管理和保護用戶的隱私權。

  1. Amoeba 以合法公正的方法取得個人資料。
  2. Amoeba 依照法律告知蒐集目的,除法律另有規定外,Amoeba 僅在下述蒐集目的範圍内使用個人資料。
  3. Amoeba 採取必要且適當的措施以安全管理取得之個人資料。
  4. 除下述告知範圍或法律另有規定外,Amoeba 不會將個人資料提供給第三人。
  5. Amoeba 在接獲顧客本人提出個人資料的確認、修正、停止使用、刪除等相關要求時,將會依法妥適處理。
  6. 若您的會員帳號密碼遭到冒用,請聯絡 Amoeba,商家將依照您的請求處理您的帳號。(如停止使用或刪除等相關要求)另 Amoeba 應於知悉您帳號密碼被冒用時,立即暫停該帳號所生交易之處理及後續利用。



Amoeba 依據個人資料保護法(以下稱「個資法」)第八條第一項規定,向您告知下列事項,敬請詳閱:

  1. 蒐集之目的:Amoeba 依下列特定目的,蒐集您的個人資料: 顧客相關個人資料

    • 消費者、客戶管理與服務
    • 行銷
    • 資(通)訊與資料庫管理
    • 網路購物及其他電子商務服務
    • 為提供 Amoeba 商品或服務資訊
    • 為回覆您的詢問
    • 為提升 Amoeba 服務品質
  2. 個人資料之類別:Amoeba 將收集您的下列個人資料,以便提供服務:

    • 姓名、地址、電話、電子郵件地址等,足以辨識您的身分,以便提供服務的個人資料
    • 其他依法應蒐集之資料類別
  3. 個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式:

    • 期間:特定目的之存續期間,或依法、依約應予保留之保存年限(如:商業會計法等),以最晚屆至者為準。
    • 對象:Amoeba、業務委外單位、依法有調查權機關或金融監理機關。
    • 方式:以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。
  4. 依據個資法第三條規定,您得就本人之個人資料,要求:

    • 查詢、閱覽或製給複製本,但應以書面向 Amoeba 提出請求。Amoeba 應以書面通知請求人准駁之理由,並得酌收必要成本費用。
    • 補充或更正,但您必須為適當之釋明。Amoeba 應以書面通知請求人准駁之理由。
    • 停止蒐集、處理或利用,或予以刪除,但 Amoeba 依法因執行業務所必須者,不在此限。
    • 委託代理人提供以上請求者,應提出相關委任文件供 Amoeba 確認及審核。
    • 不提供個人資料所致權益之影響:您得自由選擇是否提供個人資料,不過,倘若您拒絕提供必要之個人資料,可能會影響本公司提供有關之服務。
  5. 如想刪除Amoeba帳戶,請登入您的Amoeba帳戶,並找到設定或帳戶管理的選項。選擇刪除帳戶或取消服務的功能,並按照指示操作。

Privacy/Terms of Service

Amoeba is committed to complying with the relevant laws and regulations on the protection of personal data and the company's privacy protection policy, and properly manage and protect the privacy of users.

  1. Amoeba obtains personal data in a lawful and fair way.
  2. Amoeba informs the purpose of collection in accordance with the law. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, Amoeba only uses personal data within the scope of the following collection purposes.
  3. Amoeba takes necessary and appropriate measures to securely manage the personal data obtained.
  4. Amoeba will not provide personal data to third parties except within the scope of the following notification or as otherwise provided by law.
  5. Amoeba will properly handle in accordance with the law when receiving relevant requests for confirmation, correction, discontinuation, deletion, etc. of personal data from customers.
  6. If your member account password is fraudulently used, please contact Amoeba, and the merchant will process your account according to your request. (For example, stop using or delete related requirements) In addition, Amoeba should immediately suspend the processing and subsequent use of transactions generated by the account when it knows that your account password has been used fraudulently.

When you enter your personal data on this website or mobile application and start to use this service, you are deemed to have clearly understood and agreed to the following purposes and purposes for this website or mobile application to collect, process or use your personal data.

Personal Data Rights Notice

Amoeba informs you of the following matters in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Individual Data Law"). Please read carefully:

  1. Purpose of collection: Amoeba collects your personal data for the following specific purposes: Customer related personal data

    • Consumer, customer management and service
    • Marketing
    • Information (communication) and database management
    • Online shopping and other e-commerce services
    • To provide information on Amoeba goods or services
    • To respond to your inquiry
    • To improve the service quality of Amoeba
  2. Categories of personal data: Amoeba will collect the following personal data from you in order to provide services:

    • Name, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc., personal data sufficient to identify you in order to provide services
    • Other types of data that should be collected by law
  3. Period, region, object and method of use of personal data:

    • Period: the duration of the specific purpose, or the retention period that should be retained according to the law or contract (eg commercial accounting law, etc.), whichever expires at the latest.
    • Objects: Amoeba, outsourced business units, agencies with investigative powers according to law, or financial supervision agencies.
    • Method: Use automated machines or other non-automated ways.
  4. In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Law, you may request for your personal data:

    • Inquire, read or make copies, but should make a written request to Amoeba. Amoeba shall notify the petitioner in writing of the reasons for the refusal and may charge the necessary costs.
    • Supplements or corrections, but you must explain them appropriately. Amoeba shall notify the petitioner in writing of the reasons for the refusal.
    • Stop collecting, processing, or using, or delete them, except when Amoeba is legally necessary to perform business.
    • Those who entrust an agent to provide the above request should submit relevant appointment documents for Amoeba's confirmation and review.
    • Impact of rights and interests caused by not providing personal data: You are free to choose whether to provide personal data. However, if you refuse to provide necessary personal data, it may affect the services provided by the company.
  5. If you want to delete your Amoeba account, please log in to your Amoeba account and find the settings or account management options. Select account deletion and follow the instructions to delete your account.